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HomeLifestyle NewsYellow teeth will shine with pearls and bad breath will also go...

Yellow teeth will shine with pearls and bad breath will also go away immediately, just try these home remedies.

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home remedies for bad breath

Bad breath is such a problem that most of the people are troubled by. If there is a smell coming from your mouth, then everyone will gradually start keeping distance from you. Many times people themselves are unaware of this problem, they come to know from others that there is bad smell coming from their mouth. Actually, accumulation of white layer on the tongue causes bacteria in the mouth. Due to which bad smell starts coming from your mouth. There can be many other reasons for this bad smell, such as dirty teeth, digestive problems and smoking. If you too have forgotten to laugh because of your yellow teeth and have forgotten to smile because of bad breath, then we have brought some easy home remedies for you, with the help of which you can get rid of them by following the best oral care routine.

Get rid of bad breath like this

  • rinse with salt waterTo clean your tongue, mix a little salt in lukewarm water. Now fill your mouth with this water twice a day and gargle. This will remove the white layer of the tongue and there will be no bad smell from the mouth.
  • Clean mouth thoroughly after eating: Often people do not clean their mouth properly after eating. Due to which the bacteria of the mouth stick to the teeth. This causes decay in the teeth, due to which foul smell starts coming from the mouth. You will also start having pain in one tooth.
  • Clean with tongue scraper: It is also best to use a tongue scraper to get rid of the white layer of the tongue. With this the tongue gets cleaned easily. Using a tongue scraper 2-3 times a week prevents the formation of a white layer on the tongue.
  • cardamom and cloves Use: If there is a lot of smell coming from your mouth then use cardamom and cloves to get instant results. You immediately put a piece of cardamom or clove in your mouth. By doing this your mouth will not smell.

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clean your teeth like this

  • Clean with toothbrush: You can also use Datun to make your teeth strong and healthy. This will not only strengthen your teeth but will also make them white.
  • Baking soda: To whiten teeth easily at home, take 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a plate and add a little lemon juice to it. When the paste is ready, rub it on your teeth. By doing this your teeth will become white.
  • Salt and Mustard Oil: To make your teeth shine like pearls, mix salt and mustard oil and rub it on your teeth. This will make your yellow teeth white.

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