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Blood deficiency occurs in pregnant women even after taking medicine and food, shocking research found

Recently a research has been published regarding the disease of anemia in pregnant women in India. Many reasons have been mentioned in this research. It has also been mentioned that despite good food and medicine, the women here have to suffer from anemia. It is not only during pregnancy but young women of India are also suffering from anemia. According to the news published in ‘Amar Ujala’, according to a research done in ‘Lady Hardinge Hospital’, a research of ‘Women and Obstetrics’ department revealed that even after taking medicines and eating food, there is anemia in pregnant women. There are 80 percent women in the hospital who are unregistered while 40 percent women were registered who had anemia. 

This is the real reason due to which women suffer from anemia during pregnancy.< /strong>

Even after taking medicines and eating food, women still suffer from anemia during pregnancy. The biggest reason for this is that women do not take medicines, tests or medical treatment on time or eat properly. The entire period of pregnancy is so long that even after taking so much safety, carelessness still happens. Due to which the health of the child in the womb has to suffer. 

Research was done in such a special way

For the research of the year 2021 According to this, cases of anemia have been reported in 80% of non-registered women and 40% of registered women undergoing treatment. During the research, it was found that women take medicine and food but their timing and method is quite different. Due to which there is lack of blood in their body. 40 percent of the women who were registered were anemic, but as soon as they were kept on proper diet and monitored, 20 percent of them recovered and were found to have only mild anemia. >Anemia also causes difficulty in pregnancy.

Does anemia have any relation with pregnancy? This question is often asked by women. , who are facing problems in conceiving. So know here how the deficiency of hemoglobin, iron and blood prevents your dream of becoming a mother from coming true…

The blood that nourishes the body is made up of many different things. . Like red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, iron, oxygen etc.

Red blood cells i.e. red blood cells contain millions of hemoglobin molecules and with the help of these molecules the blood flows inside the body. Is able to supply oxygen to the existing cells. When there is a deficiency of red cells in the blood due to any reason, the body starts becoming weak and health starts deteriorating.

When there is a deficiency of hemoglobin due to the lack of red blood cells in the blood. If this happens then this condition is called anemia. Due to anemia and especially due to lack of red blood cells, many types of disorders develop inside the body. One of these disorders is Myelodysplastic syndromes. Which is related to reproductive issues.

A research published in the International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review states that women who do not consume iron rich foods in sufficient quantity, their body becomes less able to conceive. There may be a problem in producing the eggs required for conception.

Even after anemia, a woman’s body is able to produce the right amount of eggs, then the quality of these eggs is not good and the eggs are of poor quality. Due to this problem the chances of getting pregnant reduces by 60 percent. Because these eggs formed during ovulation are not able to complete the process of conceiving properly.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, consult a doctor. Or definitely take advice from the concerned expert.


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