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HomeEducation NewsBoard exams and flu season are going on together, take care of...

Board exams and flu season are going on together, take care of your health in this way so that you do not miss the exam.

Precautions For Board Exam Students: At present, examinations of almost all boards are going on and some are about to start. The weather is also very bad during this period. Sometimes it becomes hot, sometimes cold and sometimes it rains. Along with this, flu season is also going on and most of the people are suffering from cough, cold and fever. Children also suffer from this. The enmity between board exams and weather always goes on.

During this period, children become more ill than usual. Obviously, in such a situation, examinations are also affected. Nothing can be done about weather and flu, but by taking some precautions you can protect yourself from getting sick.

Keep these things in mind and take the exam with peace of mind

  • To avoid falling ill during examinations, take special care of some things.
  • The first condition of being healthy is to eat healthy. Pay special attention to your diet from a few days before the exam till the end of the exam.
  • Eat fresh and hot home-cooked food. Stay away from junk food for a few days.
  • Drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated. Keep taking juice, milk, lassi, coconut water, buttermilk, shikanji whatever you like and make sure it is homemade.
  • No matter how much study pressure you feel, do not stop physical activity completely.
  • Leaving the room, doing some hard work that tires the body and breathing in the open air for some time is necessary to stay healthy.
  • Do not go out of the house or to crowded places. Even if you have to go, wear a mask and wash your hands properly with soap after coming home.
  • Take full care of cleanliness and hygiene and if anyone around you is sick, stay away from them.
  • Get enough sleep and avoid staying awake at night to study. Due to staying awake at night, the body cells are not repaired as they should be and immunity becomes weak.
  • Keep taking fruits rich in Vitamin C and also consume supplements as per medical advice.
  • If you fall ill, do not treat yourself. Contact a doctor as soon as possible so that you can get the right treatment before things get worse and the problem can be resolved in less time.
  • Try not to fall ill, but if you do, do not take stress and take medicine only as per doctor’s advice. Rest, drink plenty of water and eat light home-made food. Stress only makes things worse.

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