Aamir Khan’s daughter Ayra Khan recently got married in a traditional wedding to Nupur Shikhare in Udaipur. The pre-wedding celebrations lasted for four days. Well, a video from their sangeet ceremony has now gone viral on social media, in which groom Raja Nupur Shikhare can be seen giving a special performance. On the dance floor, Ranveer Singh is seen dancing explosively on ‘Khalibali’ and many other Bollywood songs. Aamir Khan’s dance videos are also in constant discussion on social media.
Son-in-law impresses Aamir Khan’s Ayra
In the video we can see Nupur dancing on some different songs. Many of his friends are also seen dancing with him in this dance performance. As soon as the video went viral, fans were seen giving lovely reactions to it. Before this, Ayra and Nupur were seen dancing in the pajama party after the Mehndi ceremony. A grand reception has been organized at BKC Jio Center on 13 January. Famous personalities of Bollywood and politics will be included.
Watch Nupur’s dance video here-
Ayra-Nupur’s wedding photo-video goes viral
The marriage of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan’s daughter Ayra Khan and Nupur Shikhare has taken place in Udaipur. For the past several days, videos of the couple’s wedding functions are continuously going viral on social media. Now, pictures and videos of Ayra Khan and Nupur Shikhare’s wedding are slowly appearing on social media, for which fans were eagerly waiting.
Ayra-Nupur’s first meeting
Ayra Khan is the daughter of Aamir Khan and his first ex-wife Reena Dutta. Ayra had a grand wedding in Udaipur after a court marriage with long-time boyfriend Nupur Shikhare. Let us tell you, Nupur Shikhare has been the trainer of Aamir Khan. He helped in many massive body transformations of Aamir Khan. Not only this, Nupur has also given fitness training to Sushmita Sen. He also met Aamir Khan’s daughter during these training sessions.
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