Recently, a picture of famous Kannada film actor Darshan, who is lodged in Bengaluru’s Parappana Agrahara Central Jail in the Renukaswamy murder case, smoking a cigarette in the jail went viral. During this time, three other people were also seen smoking cigarettes with him, after which there was a lot of uproar. After the incident of Darshan being given VIP treatment inside the jail, the Home Minister suspended 7 officials including 2 jailers. Meanwhile, after the controversy escalated, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has ordered to immediately shift 26 actors to another jail.
Actor Darshan will be shifted to another jail
As soon as the pictures of actor Darshan, who is in jail in the Renukaswami murder case of Bengaluru, smoking cigarettes and drinking tea openly in the jail premises, became controversial, the Karnataka government has taken strong action in this matter. Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has ordered to immediately shift the actor to another jail. DGP Malini Krishnamurthy said that he will visit the jail and submit a complete report of this case to her. At the same time, the state Home Minister G.Parameshwara had said that the 7 suspended officers were found guilty in this case.
Karnataka CM took action against actor Darshan
Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, who is in judicial custody in the Renukaswamy murder case, is being shifted to Bellary jail. News agency PTI reported that the decision was taken following a request from Bengaluru police. The 7 officials, including 2 jailers, who have been suspended in the Renukaswamy murder case include jailer Sharan Basava, Prabhu S Khandelwal, assistant jailers L S Thippeswamy and Srikant Talwar, head wardens Venkatappa Kodati and Sampath Kumar Kadpatti and warden Basappa Kelly.
Renukaswami murder case
Darshan has been in jail since June 11 on charges of murdering 33-year-old fan Renukaswamy. According to the police, Renukaswamy’s body was found near an apartment in Kamakshipalya area of ​​​​Bangalore on June 9. When the police investigated the area around the crime scene, they saw Darshan and Pavitra leaving the crime scene in the CCTV footage.
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