After Ranjit, Siddique, Malayalam actor-producer Baburaj has been accused of sexual harassment by a junior artist, which has created a controversy in the film industry. The woman alleges that the incident took place at Baburaj’s house in Aluva where she was called on the pretext of discussing a film. According to the junior artist, when she reached the actor’s house, only Baburaj and his assistant were present there, whereas Baburaj had told her that the film director, story writer and production controller would also be present at his house.
Baburaj accused of sexual harassment
In her statement, the actress recalled the horrifying experience and claimed that Baburaj barged into the room where she was resting. The actor used abusive language and she also had to endure sexual harassment there. The woman further said, ‘When I reached his house, only Baburaj and his assistant were there. He gave me a room to rest. However, after a while, he knocked on the door. When I opened the door, he barged into the room and closed the door, used some abusive words and attacked me and did dirty things with me in the room.’ The woman further said, ‘I did not complain to anyone then because he is a famous actor and I do not get any support from anyone.’
Baburaj rejected the claims of junior artist
Responding to these allegations of the junior artist, Baburaj told ANI that he has never done anything wrong that would cause trouble to anyone. Malayalam actor Baburaj rejected the allegation of sexual harassment and said that he would take legal action against the complainant. He has questioned the credibility of the allegations. The actor has also said that these allegations could also be a ploy to defame him. Baburaj has also speculated and revealed that the allegation may be related to his candidature for the post of General Secretary in the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA). People inside the industry are doing all this.
Serious allegations against Malayalam actors
Recently, many shocking revelations have been made about some people of the Malayalam film industry. One by one, many famous producers, directors and actors are being exposed. After Ranjit and Siddiqui, now serious allegations are being made against Baburaj as well.
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