Various rumours have been rife for several days about Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan. There are rumours that Aishwarya is having a rift with her husband Abhishek and the Bachchan family. However, no one knows the truth behind these rumours except the two stars and their families. Some time ago, there were also talks that the tension between Aishwarya and Abhishek has led to divorce. But, till now the couple has maintained silence on the matter. Sometimes Aishwarya was seen isolated from the family with her daughter and sometimes Abhishek’s wedding ring was seen missing from his hand, after which the rumours of their divorce gained momentum. Amidst all this, now a new video of Aishwarya-Aaradhya has surfaced, in which both are seen in ‘Jalsa’.
Fans’ faces lit up after seeing Aaradhya and Aishwarya in Jalsa
Amidst the divorce rumours, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was recently spotted in ‘Jalsa’ with daughter Aaradhya. Seeing this, Abhishek-Aishwarya’s fans were delighted. But, some users also seemed worried after watching this video. Aaradhya became the subject of their worry. Many people say that Aaradhya is being mistreated in ‘Jalsa’. What is the reason for this, let us tell you.
Why did users express concern about Aaradhya?
Actually, in the video, Aaradhya is seen getting down from her father Abhishek’s new car. Meanwhile, a man is seen standing to close the gate of the car. As soon as Aaradhya gets down, the man starts stopping Aaradhya. Then Aaradhya tries to get out of the car and this man starts closing the gate, due to which Aaradhya also gets a slight push.
Users’ reactions on the video
As soon as Aishwarya’s fans noticed this, users started saying that Aaradhya is not treated well in Jalsa. Some users also expressed concern about Aaradhya. One user wrote in the comment – ‘Let her come brother, why do you close the gate.’ Another wrote – ‘Oh God, he is behaving badly with Aaradhya, what is he doing to Ash.’ At the same time, some users say that Aishwarya looks tensed in the video. While fans are very happy to see Aishwarya and Aaradhya reaching Jalsa, some users were once again seen targeting the Bachchan family.
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