Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkumar Rao and Pankaj Tripathi’s film ‘Stree 2’ has created a stir at the box office. ‘Stree 2’ has collected more than 100 crores worldwide in just three days. ‘Khel Khel Mein’ and ‘Veda’ are giving tough competition at the box office. Despite being released with big films, ‘Stree 2’ has easily outdone these films and even four days after its release in theaters, the film is making a bang. Let us tell you that this is not the first time that the sequel of a Bollywood film has created such a stir. Earlier, the sequels of these 10 Bollywood films also made many records by doing very well at the box office.
Gadar 2
Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel’s film ‘Gadar 2’, released in 2023, not only became one of the highest-grossing films of the year, but also broke the collection of its own film at the box office. After running in theaters for 10 weeks, its net collection in India has been Rs 525.70 crore.
omg 2
One of the brilliant films of Akshay Kumar, Yami Gautam and Pankaj Tripathi, ‘Oh My God 2’ also earned Rs 151.16 crore in India. The first part of the film also did a good collection.
Dabangg 2
The second installment of the franchise featured Salman Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Arbaaz Khan, Mahie Gill and Vinod Khanna in lead roles. The total net collection of ‘Dabangg 2’ in India was Rs 155 crore, which was about Rs 15 crore more than the film ‘Dabangg’ released in 2010.
Race 2
Saif Ali Khan, John Abraham, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor starrer ‘Race 2’ was released in 2013. ‘Race 2’ had a net collection of a little over Rs 100 crore in India. ‘Race’, released in 2008, earned Rs 60.64 crore.
Dhoom 2
One of the most popular action films of its time, ‘Dhoom 2’ saw Hrithik Roshan in the role of a villain. Directed by Sanjay Gadhvi, ‘Dhoom 2’ has a total net collection of Rs 80.91 crore in India which is more than double the collection of its previous film released in 2004.
Singham Returns
The second installment of Rohit Shetty’s cop universe featured Ajay Devgn and Kareena Kapoor Khan in the lead roles. ‘Singham Again’ grossed Rs 140.60 crore in India after a stellar run in theatres for six weeks, while Singham (2011) grossed Rs 100.5 crore at the box office. Its third sequel is also set to release soon.
Bhool Bhulaiya 2
In this film, Kartik Aryan appeared in the lead role instead of Akshay Kumar. However, this did not affect the earnings and story of the film and the film performed well at the box office. It earned Rs 184.32 crore in India and its worldwide collection has been Rs 265.5 crore.
don 2
One of Shahrukh Khan’s most brilliant and superhit films ‘Don 2’ is also included in this list. This film earned Rs 107.21 crore in India and its worldwide collection was Rs 210.35 crore.
Drishyam 2
It is a sequel to the film released in 2015 with the same name. ‘Drishyam 2’ broke many box office records as soon as it was released and collected almost four times more than its previous film. The net collection of ‘Drishyam 2’ in India was Rs 239.67 crore.
Monkey business again
This great comedy classic film featured Akshay Kumar, Sunil Shetty and Paresh Rawal in lead roles and made the audience laugh. The first part of this series came in 2000 and proved to be a super hit film. ‘Phir Hera Pheri’ did much better at the box office than its previous film. The total net collection of ‘Phir Hera Pheri’ in India was Rs 40.82 crore.
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