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HomeEntertainment NewsBollywood actress wore Aunty tagged T-shirt, said- 'Call me openly' - Hindustan...

Bollywood actress wore Aunty tagged T-shirt, said- ‘Call me openly’ – Hindustan News Hub

zeenat aman

Zeenat Aman has been such a Bollywood actress who broke social stereotypes and created a new path and became a hit by creating her own glamorous image. In the 70s, Zeenat Aman was the most beautiful and bold heroine of her time. Known for her outspokenness, Zeenat Aman still prefers to speak in a bold manner. Now Zeenat Aman has given a befitting reply on her Instagram to those women who sulk on hearing the word aunty. Wearing a t-shirt with the tag of aunty, Zeenat Aman wrote that you can openly call me aunty, I have no problem.

Aunty listen, a befitting reply to women who sulk

Zeenat Aman has posted a photo of herself on her Instagram. In this photo, Zeenat Aman is wearing a white T-shirt on which Aunty is written. Zeenat Aman has also written a long post along with this photo. Zeenat writes, ‘Which smart person decided that Aunty is a derogatory word. I do not agree with this. What would we do in life without these Aunties, who give us security and make life easier. Indian Aunties are everywhere. The special thing is that it is not necessary to have a deep relationship with any Aunty. Aunty becomes our support in our bad times, she understands your sadness, gives us hot food.

We should be proud of how aunties make our lives. Aunties can mean anything, or a woman who is nice and has life experiences and helps you with her experience. I am someone who has immense respect and love for aunties. I have had aunties in my life like a stepmother. They used to help me when my sons were growing up. I used to leave my sons with them and go to work. Those aunties used to take care of my sons and feed them. I respect aunties and you should too.

Zeenat Aman was known for her bold and carefree style

Zeenat Aman ruled Bollywood for a long time. Zeenat Aman has done more than 93 films in her career. Zeenat Aman had made a special place for herself in Bollywood even in that era. Known for her bold and carefree style, the cinema halls used to be crowded just by the name of Zeenat Aman. In the 1971 film ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’, Zeenat surprised everyone by playing a strong bold and carefree character.

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