Tamil superstar Dhanush’s recently released film ‘Ryan’ is now ready to hit the OTT platform after the theatres. This is an action-drama film, in which Dhanush’s look and style were much talked about. Ryan, which was released on 26 July, is also directed by Dhanush himself and the film collected around 150 crores at the box office. So if you are also interested in South Indian films, then let us tell you when and where you can watch this film.
Where and when can we see Ryan?
Dhanush is in the lead role in ‘Ryan’. Prime Video has announced that the Tamil action drama “Ryan” will have its global streaming premiere on August 23. Dhanush has played the lead role in this film directed by Kalanithi Maran under the banner of Sun Pictures. Ryan also stars talented actors like SJ Surya, Selva Raghavan, Saravanan, Sandeep Kishan, Kalidas Jayaram, Dushara Vijayan, Prakash Raj and Aparna Balamurali in important roles.
dhanush’s 50th film
Ryan is Dhanush’s 50th film and will be available for streaming on Prime Video in Tamil, along with dubbed versions in Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada. It will be available in India and 240 other countries and territories from August 23. The actor’s fans were eagerly waiting for the OTT release of this film of superstar Dhanush, which is now about to end.
What is Ryan’s story?
Ryan is the story of four siblings who leave their village and move to the city to protect themselves. As they grow up, Manickam (Kalidas Jayaram) is an honest college student, Muthu (Sudeep Kishan) is impulsive, and Ryan (Dhanush) plays the role of a responsible father. Their relationship revolves around their sister Durga (Dushara Vijayan). Ryan’s attempt to marry Durga leads him into a power struggle between two gangsters, Sethu (SJ Suryah) and Durai (Saravanan). A new police officer in town (Prakash Raj) takes advantage of the situation to try to clean up the town. The story revolves around Ryan, who fights to protect his family amid the increasing challenges.