There has been a stir in the Malayalam industry since the Justice Hema Committee report came out. Many actresses accused actors-directors and big personalities of the film industry of physical and mental abuse, with which #Meetoo 2.O has started in the industry. This is the third FIR on this matter so far after the Justice Hema Committee report came out. A rape case has been registered against well-known Malayalam film actor and ruling Marxist Communist Party (CPI-M) MLA Mukesh M on the complaint of an actress. Actress Meenu Munir has accused Mukesh M that the actor sexually harassed her many years ago.
SIT took the statement of the actress
Kerala Police told news agency ANI on Thursday, “An FIR has been filed against actor Mukesh, CPI(M) MLA from Kollam constituency. The FIR was filed based on the complaint of an actress. Police also said that another FIR has been filed against actor Jayasurya under section 354 on the complaint of the same actress. The SIT has recorded the statement of the actress yesterday (Wednesday).”
Meenu Munir accused these actors
Let us tell you, Meenu Muneer has accused actors Mukesh M, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju and Idavela Babu of verbal and physical abuse during their collaboration on film projects. Speaking to ANI, Muneer detailed her experiences, alleging various kinds of abuse. She claimed, “Once, when I was coming out of the washroom, Jayasurya grabbed me from behind and started kissing me forcefully… After that, Idavela Babu asked me to have sex with him.”
Revealed against this actor also
Muneer also revealed disturbing conversations with Maniyampilla Raju. The allegations surfaced soon after his resignation from his posts in the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) following separate allegations against director Ranjith and actor Siddique. Muneer had first revealed the abuse he faced on social media.
Earthquake in Malayalam industry
Let us tell you, after the Justice Hema Committee report came out, many female artists of the Malayalam industry came forward and accused many directors and actors of sexual harassment. After the Hema Committee report, there is a stir in the Malayalam film industry, because after this report, this is the third FIR against a high profile personality.
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