Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ is surrounded by a lot of controversies at the moment. Her film was to be released in theaters on 6 September, but after the controversy, the censor board has banned the release of the film and has also put on hold the process of giving the certificate. Meanwhile, Bollywood actress and BJP MP Kangana has given new good news to her fans. While people are eagerly waiting for Kangana Ranaut’s film ‘Emergency’, the actress-politician has announced her another new film ‘Bharat Bhagya Vidhata’. Kangana Ranaut is going to be seen in the lead role in this film.
Kangana Ranaut signs a new film amid controversy
Kangana Ranaut is constantly in the headlines for the ongoing controversy over ‘Emergency’. Amidst the controversies, she announced her new film ‘Bharat Bhagya Vidhata’ on Tuesday, after which this movie has also come into discussion. She has shared special updates related to the upcoming film on her social media. Kangana Ranaut has also signed a new project which is related to our history. While sharing the poster, she wrote, ‘Get ready to see the magic of real-life heroism on screen. I am very excited to announce this film.’
Special thing about Kangana Ranaut’s Bharat Bhagya Vidhata
The film ‘Bharat Bhagya Vidhata’ will tell the story of the contribution of working class heroes who work hard behind the scenes. The film will be directed by lyricist and screenwriter Manoj Tapadia who has previously worked on films like ‘Cheeni Kum’ and ‘Madras Cafe’. The film will be jointly produced by Babita Ashiwal of Eunoia Films and Adi Sharma of Floating Rocks Entertainment.
New update on the release of Emergency
Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ has not received clearance from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), so its release is currently banned. At the same time, ‘Emergency’ has only been issued an online certificate serial number.
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