Four days before the premiere of ‘Emergency’, Bollywood actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut has accused the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) of delaying the release of the film and deliberately withholding its certification. Kangana, who plays former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the film, had said that if the uncut version of her film is not approved, she will take legal action. Meanwhile, big news has come out from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. The High Court has issued notices to all the parties associated with the film, including Kangana’s Manikarnika Productions, the Central Government, the State Government, the Censor Board and others. Not only this, a reply has also been sought from the Censor Board.
Madhya Pradesh High Court sought response from Censor Board
There is a lot of controversy over Kangana Ranaut’s upcoming film ‘Emergency’. A petition was filed in the High Court against the release of Indira Gandhi’s biopic, after which the Jabalpur High Court heard the petition on September 2. The court has taken a new decision in this matter. The High Court has sent notices to all the parties associated with the film including Kangana’s Manikarnika Productions, Central Government, State Government, Censor Board and others, while on the other hand the Jabalpur High Court has sought a reply from the CBFC regarding this matter.
PIL filed against Kangana Ranaut’s emergency
Bar and Bench shared a breaking post on its X, writing, ‘Madhya Pradesh High Court asked the Center to clarify whether actress Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency has been certified yet or not. The High Court issued notice on the PIL alleging that the Sikh community has been shown wrongly in the film.’ Let us tell you that this PIL has been filed by Jabalpur Sikh Sangat and Guru Singh Sabha Indore. Now the matter will be heard again on September 3.
release date of emergency postponed
Kangana Ranaut will be seen playing the role of Indira Gandhi in the film ‘Emergency’. Kangana’s film ‘Emergency’ was scheduled to release in theaters on 6 September 2024, but now we will have to wait more for the release of this film.
Bollywood News