Ekta Kapoor’s film ‘Love Sex and Dhokha’ still remains in the headlines due to its unique content. Therefore, ever since the makers have announced its sequel i.e. ‘Love Sex and Dhokha 2’, people are being forced to stay connected with the new concept of the film. While ‘Love Sex Aur Dhoka’ brought love into the limelight in the age of cameras, the sequel comes with a completely new concept – love in a digitalized world.
The motion poster of ‘Love Sex and Dhokha 2’ has given a glimpse of love and its existence in the internet age. In such a situation, now the makers have come up with another interesting motion poster. This poster is showing us the difference of love in the real world and the digitalized world. Look at this motion poster…
As we told that the new motion poster of this film has been released. Bold, entertaining and impactful, this motion poster captures the true excitement of the film which is going to take the audience on a journey from the physical world to the digital world. At the beginning of this motion poster we see a mobile phone with stairs and a flashlight shining in the backdrop, which shows the world of fame.
Then we see another side where we step outside the phone and see a girl who comes inside holding a boy’s hand, which shows the change from the real world to the reel world. As attractive as the motion poster looks, it has really increased the excitement to watch more of the film.
The film will be released on April 19
Balaji Telefilms and Cult Movies presents Dibakar Banerjee Production’s Love Sex Aur Dhokha 2, produced by Ekta R Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor. This film has been directed by Dibakar Banerjee. This film will be released on 19 April 2024.
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