Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty recently attended the second edition of IFIE on Tuesday. During this, the actress was honored with the honor of Champions of Change Maharashtra. Shilpa has expressed her happiness by sharing a glimpse of this on her Insta. Meanwhile, a video of Shilpa Shetty is also going viral on social media, in which she was seen meeting a little fan of hers. This little fan of Shilpa is very cute, seeing whose cuteness even Shilpa herself becomes a little girl.
Shilpa became a child in front of a little fan
In the video that has surfaced, you can see that Shilpa is seen sitting in the car. During this, a lady holding her daughter in her lap brings her to meet Shilpa. The age of this girl appears to be almost the same as Shilpa’s daughter Samisha. At the same time, this girl is looking no less in cuteness. Then see how Shilpa herself becomes a child after meeting her cute fan and starts giving him falling kisses while making cute faces. Shilpa’s fans are liking this video very much. Everyone is seen praising nature with this joli of Shilpa.
Shilpa’s work front
Talking about Shilpa’s work front, the actress was recently seen in Rohit Shetty’s series ‘Indian Police Force’. Siddharth Malhotra and Vivek Oberoi were also seen along with Shilpa in this film. This series is streaming on OTT platform Amazon Prime. Apart from this, Shilpa has also signed for ‘KD – The Devil’, in which she will play the role of Satyavati. The film also stars Dhruv Sarja, Shilpa Shetty, V Ravichandran and Sanjay Dutt. Apart from films, Shilpa is also very active on social media. She often remains in the news by sharing her beautiful pictures with fans.
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