Recently, there was news about Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, who are going to join the Bollywood parents club in September, that both will shift to a new house after welcoming their first child. Work is currently going on in the couple’s new apartment, and as soon as it is completed, both will shift here. As soon as a video went viral on social media, discussions started about Deepika-Ranveer’s house, which is very close to Bollywood King Shahrukh Khan’s bungalow ‘Mannat’. Ranveer-Deepika had booked an apartment in this building about 2 years ago, in which work is going on since then. However, Deepika-Ranveer are not the only Bollywood couple who are going to shift to a new home. Apart from these two, some other stars will also shift to their new house.
Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are eager to shift to their new home. This bungalow in Bandra is currently under construction, the work of which will be completed soon. This bungalow is named after Ranbir’s grandmother Krishna Raj Kapoor. Ranbir-Alia often visit this apartment site and now their daughter Rhea also accompanies them. Recently, Ranbir along with Alia-Raha and his mother Neetu Kapoor had come to inspect the work going on in his new house.
Sonakshi Sinha-Zaheer Iqbal
Bollywood’s newly wed couple Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal may also shift to their new house soon. Sonakshi-Zaheer have been in constant discussion since their marriage. Recently, Sonakshi sold her Bandra West apartment, which was discussed a lot. She married actor Zaheer Iqbal in this house, she bought this house with her own earnings. However, the actress has bought a bigger apartment in the same building, which Zaheer is developing. The couple is preparing to shift to this new apartment soon.
Shraddha Kapoor will also shift to a new house!
Shraddha Kapoor is all set to rent a sea facing apartment in Juhu area of ​​Mumbai. After the immense success of Stree 2, the actress has decided to shift to a new house. The actress had also hinted towards this in ‘Aapka Apna Zakir’. Shraddha’s house is in the same building where Akshay-Twinkle have a duplex.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are eagerly waiting to welcome their first child into this world. The couple’s baby will be born in September. Meanwhile, the couple has also intensified preparations to shift to a new house. Ranveer-Deepika will soon shift to a luxury sea facing apartment in Bandra, which is close to Shahrukh Khan’s bungalow Mannat.
Bollywood News