The makers of the film ‘Murder Mubarak’ have made a big announcement on Monday. While releasing a video, he has also announced the release date of the film. The film will be released on OTT platform Netflix on March 15. The film is a multi starrer project. Famous stars like Sara Ali Khan, Vijay Verma, Karisma Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, Dimple Kapadia, Tisca Chopra, Suhail Nayyar and Sanjay Kapoor are going to be seen in the starrer film. It is clear from the video that the film is going to be full of suspense and thrill.
Makers showed a glimpse
Bringing a new twist to the mystery genre with a blend of suspense, comedy and romance, ‘Murder Mubarak’ is directed by Homi Adajania and produced by Maddock Films. The film presents a remarkable book-to-screen adaptation of Anuja Chauhan’s ‘Club U to Death’. Actor Pankaj Tripathi is playing the role of a policeman. He investigates a murder in Delhi and finds there is more to it than meets the eye. The makers have released a short video giving a glimpse of the mysterious world of the film.
Characters identified in the video
In the video, Pankaj Tripathi can be heard saying, ‘Those who kill, how do they look, like a princess from South Delhi (Sara’s character) or a devastated lover from Chandni Chowk (Vijay’s character), the old characters of suspense films. A dream girl (Karisma Kapoor’s character) or a colorful artist (Dimple Kapadia’s character)… the one with royal blood flowing in her veins (Sanjay Kapoor’s character) or a gossip butterfly (Tisca Chopra’s character) ) or the mosquito of parties (Suhail Nayyar’s character).’
Watch video here
The plot of the film is amazing
He further said, ‘Actually, most murderers are not brutes in appearance, they are ordinary men and women. Like you… like me… you may be sitting next to me smiling in your mind. He is congratulating himself, ‘Happy murder brother.’ Watching the video it is clear that the film is going to be a lot of fun. Great work of actors will be seen in the film.
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