Priyanka Chopra has now become a well-known name not only in India but all over the world. After winning the title of Miss World, the actress entered Bollywood and now she has made her mark in Hollywood as well. Her stardom has made her one of the most powerful stars in the world. After marrying Nick Jonas, Priyanka settled abroad, but she often visits India. Recently, the Desi Girl came to Mumbai for her brother Siddharth Chopra’s engagement and wedding ceremony, glimpses of which she has shared on her social media account. Siddharth and Neelam had a registered wedding in the presence of family and friends and also exchanged rings, glimpses of which can be seen in this video.
Priyanka shared the video of her brother’s engagement
Priyanka Chopra’s brother Siddharth is getting married to Neelam Upadhyay. Recently, pictures of their roka ceremony were revealed on social media and now pictures and videos of their engagement are being shared on social media. Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra also shared the video of her brother’s engagement and wished him all the best for his new life. The actress has shared the video of this intimate ceremony, in which the global star is seen in an orange colored suit.
Brother and sister-in-law touched his feet and took his blessings
In the video, Priyanka Chopra is seen enjoying her brother’s happiness with her family. In the shared video, Priyanka is first seen posing for a photo with her entire family. After this, there is a glimpse of some very cute moments of Siddharth and Neelam and then the actress’s brother and sister-in-law can be seen touching Priyanka’s feet and taking blessings, on which the actress hugs both of them. After this, Priyanka is seen dancing and singing a lot and is also seen trying to make her brother laugh.
The family’s wonderful bonding was seen in the video
During this, Neelam’s tremendous bonding with Priyanka, her mother Madhu and the entire family is being seen. However, Parineeti Chopra was nowhere to be seen in this video, due to which the actress’ fans are a little sad and want to know why Parineeti did not attend Siddharth’s engagement. However, the actress’s parents definitely joined Siddharth-Neelam’s happiness and during this, Siddharth’s wonderful bonding with his aunt was also seen. Users’ tremendous reactions are also being seen on this video.
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