There is a lot of uproar in Bollywood regarding the Kolkata rape case. Stars are constantly reacting to this issue. Now Anupam Kher has shared a long video on Instagram on this matter. The actor is very upset and frustrated by this incident. He has expressed this frustration and disappointment in his video. The actor told that he was trying for the past few days to speak out and raise his voice on this issue, but he was short of words. Not only this, the actor has appealed to the people to come forward and raise their voice on this issue so that the victim of the Kolkata rape case can get justice. While sharing this post, the actor also wrote a painful caption, ‘Raise your voice!! Raise your voice in every situation! Raise your voice against the heinous, soul-stirring and forever shameful crime that has been committed against the Kolkata doctor girl.’
Anupam shared his reaction with a heavy heart
Along with this, Anupam Kher said in the video, ‘Ever since the heinous crime that shook humanity happened with that resident doctor in Kolkata, my soul shivers thinking about it, hearing about it, since then I am thinking what to say. I wake up every morning and try to say something, but words fall short. So much pain, so much anger, so much rage, such a low act of humanity, a heinous and dangerous crime that shames humanity, still I am at a loss for words but I thought I should say something, at least convey something to the people. I have heard the details of what happened to her that night. The only daughter of her parents, somehow made her a doctor from a middle-class family by educating her and those demons… what they did to her is worse than demons…
Watch the video here
Anupam Kher is demanding death penalty
Anupam Kher further said in the video, ‘It happened at the time of Nirbhaya, we see how dirty rape can be, how disgusting murder can be done and then everyone’s conscience wakes up, but this should not happen with any woman in her own workplace, the punishment for this should be very harsh and so dangerous in the middle of the crossroads… When we will go through this process, people will sit, then it will be discussed, then it will take 10-20 years. Today itself, all the criminals, demons behind this, should be punished in the middle of the crossroads and the only punishment for this is death penalty and there is no other punishment.’
Anupam Kher appealed to the people
The actor did not stop here, he further said, ‘We will move forward in our lives, we will find some other issue to raise our voice, we search for issues and that is right too, it is necessary to show collective anger, but what will happen to those parents who must have thought that we have educated her and now she has become a doctor…. a dream has been fulfilled. She called her parents at 11 in the night and told them not to worry and go to sleep. What will be their future life. Therefore, it is the duty of every citizen, whether it is your daughter, your sister, your wife, whether there is a woman in your house or not, whether you work in any field from children to the elderly, then you should raise your voice. The soul trembles… I think I should live in some world of my own where everything is good, but how the soul hurts, my soul is hurting, your soul must also be hurting, but it is very important to raise your voice, friends, raise your voice.
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