Naga Chaitanya secretly got engaged to his lady love Shobhita Dhulipala earlier this month, after which the actor’s fans got to know about it through social media. Naga and Shobhita shared their love-filled pictures on social media on the second day of the engagement and shared their happiness with the fans. After the secret engagement with Shobhita, now a video of Naga Chaitanya has surfaced on social media, which has surprised the netizens. This video has made the fans of Naga and Shobhita excited as well as confused.
Video of Naga Chaitanya as groom goes viral
Actually, in the video going viral, Naga Chaitanya is seen in the groom’s attire. The actor is wearing a white sherwani, in which he looks attractive as always. In the video, Naga Chaitanya is seen sitting in a luxury car as a groom. The actor waves his hand towards the camera and smiles. Not only this, people can also be seen dancing to the beats of drums around the car. In such a situation, there are questions on social media whether Naga has also secretly married Shobhita after the secret engagement.
Fans got confused after watching the video
This video of Naga Chaitanya is becoming increasingly viral on social media. However, no picture or video of Shobhita has surfaced so far. Various types of comments are being seen from the users on the video. Some say that the actor has now got married after a secret engagement, while some believe that this video of the actor is old. However, this video of Naga Chaitanya is not from the time of his marriage to Samantha. In such a situation, fans are waiting that soon the couple themselves can share their wedding pictures with the fans.
Nagarjuna had announced his son’s engagement
Superstar Nagarjuna was the first to share the news of his son and Shobhita’s engagement with fans. He shared the pictures of Naga Chaitanya and Shobhita’s engagement and told fans about the new beginning of his son’s life. He wrote in his post- ‘We are happy to announce the engagement of our son Naga Chaitanya to Shobhita Dhulipala, which happened today at 9:42 am! We are very happy to welcome her into our family. Congratulations to the happy couple! Wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness. God Bless! 8.8.8 Beginning of eternal love.’
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