South superstar Nani is also known as Natural Actor. In his 16-year film career, he has given many superhit movies. Actor Nani’s ‘Saripodha Sanivaram’ has been released in theatres. Nani’s film has created a stir at the box office on the first day of its release. The first day collection of Nani Natural Star’s action drama film ‘Saripodha Sanivaram’ has come out. Directed by Vivek Atreya, this film had a good start in India. This film is available in five languages ​​including Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi. Let’s know here how many crores of business it has done on the opening day?
Saripodha Sanivaram India Box Office Collection
According to the early trend report of Saccanilk, the film has opened with ₹9 crores. Saripodha Sanivaram has earned ₹8.75 crores in Telugu, ₹24 lakhs in Tamil and ₹1 lakh in Malayalam. The film has earned ₹1.1 crores in Karnataka, ₹8.5 crores in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, ₹55 lakhs in Tamil Nadu, ₹5 lakhs in Kerala, ₹20 lakhs in other states of India. Its total earnings in India have reached ₹10.4 crores.
Saripodha Sanivaram World Wide Earnings
Superstar Nani’s ‘Saripodha Sanivaram’ has collected ₹19.40 crores worldwide. The total Telugu occupancy of Saripodha Sanivaram on Thursday was 53.54%. The film stars Nani and Priyanka Mohan in the lead roles. It is produced by DVV Entertainment, which is famous for producing the blockbuster RRR film. The film also stars SJ Suryah, Abhirami, Aditi Balan, P Sai Kumar, Subhalekha Sudhakar, Murali Sharma and Ajay Ghosh.
Superstar Nani becomes an action hero
Recently, Nani had revealed that playing the role of Surya in the film was not as challenging for him as he thought. Speaking to news agency ANI, he had said, ‘This role was not challenging for me because I think challenging roles for me can be those which are not related to my character. I feel Surya’s role is like me, I have enjoyed working a lot.’
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