The singing reality show ‘Indian Idol 14’ has been entertaining people for more than four months. This show is at its last stage. Today is the finale of this show where fans will choose their winner. The finale has started there. The show’s special guest Sonu Nigam started the show by singing a song, during which everyone from the judges to the contestants present there danced. Now a huge competition is being seen between the contestants in the show. All the contestants are seen trying to win the hearts of the fans and judges by singing one song after another. Now it will be interesting to see who succeeds in winning people’s hearts with their music.
There is a great competition between these contestants
Music composer Pyarelal ji was also given a warm welcome in this show. Let us tell you that in ‘Indian Idol 14’ the top 6 contestants have made it to the list of finalists. It includes the names of Ananya Pal, Anjana, Adya Mishra, Piyush Panwar, Subhadeep Das and Vaibhav Gupta. All these contestants have received a lot of love from the audience in the show. But there is going to be only one winner of the show. And soon the judge will ask two contestants to leave the show after the first round. This means that after this there is going to be a strong competition between the top 4 contestants. In such a situation, it will be interesting to see who among them becomes the winner and gets his name registered in the pages of the history of the show.
These are the judges of the show
Let us tell you that Vishal Dadlani, Kumar Sanu and Shreya Ghoshal are seen as judges in ‘Indian Idol 14’. At the same time, Bollywood playback singer and Neha Kakkar’s judge Sonu Nigam is seen as a special guest in the grand finale. In such a situation, this show is going to be even more interesting.