Famous singer Kumar Sanu recently spoke openly about the horrific Kolkata rape and murder case and not only this, he also lashed out at some people. He has also criticized the celebrities who kept silence on the Kolkata rape-murder case. There is a protest in West Bengal regarding this incident. Even social media users have expressed anger over the incident that happened in the medical college by making RG. Meanwhile, a video of Kumar Sanu has surfaced, in which he looks very sad while talking about this.
Celebrities don’t have the courage
A video has surfaced on X, in which Kumar has talked about how Bollywood celebs have not spoken about the Kolkata rape and murder case yet. He said, ‘It is not our Bollywood who is talking about the Kolkata incident, it is Tollywood who is talking about it. Which people from Tollywood have come out? Tell me even one name, these people are not responding. They are afraid… if we speak, what will happen after that, this thought of the future eats these people up. They do not have any courage, any bravery at all.’
Kumar Sanu gets emotional over Kolkata rape case
Kumar Sanu further said, ‘Celebs are ashamed to talk about this. When I came to know about this incident, I highlighted this issue by sharing a post on my social media on the very first day. Look, you have to speak the truth, otherwise lies will come to your house.’ He further said, ‘I want to tell the people of Calcutta that this is not the time to accept such situations. So if you do not think about it now, it will reach your house.’
Kolkata rape-murder case
On Friday, August 9, the half-naked body of a female (PGT) doctor on duty was found in a lecture hall of a government hospital in Kolkata. The Kolkata rape-murder case has shocked the entire country.
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