Bollywood’s veteran actress and BJP MP from Mathura Hema Malini is known for her acting and dancing style. In her long career, the actress gave many hit films. The actress’s beauty is still discussed today. 75-year-old Hema Malini still beats new heroines with her beauty, fitness and style. Hema Malini recently reached Mumbai to attend an event. Along with the actress, singer Anup Jalota and flute player Hariprasad Chaurasia were also seen in this event. A video has surfaced from this event which is going viral very fast. After watching this video, people are praising Hema Malini. People say that like her, her heart is also beautiful. Now let us tell you what the actress did during this event.
When Hariprasad faltered, Hema gave him support
In the video that has surfaced, you can see that Hariprasad Chaurasia is sitting on a chair. When someone comes to meet him, he starts standing up, in the meantime he stumbles. Seeing him stumble, Hema Malini also panics and quickly holds him and makes him stand with support. Meanwhile, Anup Jalota comes close and touches Hariprasad Chaurasia’s feet. When Hema Malini sees that Hariprasad Chaurasia has stood up properly, she leaves his hand, but then he starts to stumble again. Hema Malini, standing right next to him, holds him again and then is seen continuously supporting him.
Watch the video here
People’s reaction
After watching this video, people are not getting tired of praising Hema Malini. People are saying that she has a big heart and her heart is as beautiful as her. One person wrote, ‘It is visible how much kindness is there in Hema Malini’s heart, how is she managing herself.’ Another person wrote, ‘Hema is beautiful both from inside and outside.’ Another person wrote, ‘Old is gold Hema Malini.’ By the way, it is clear from this video that Hema Malini respects her elders completely.
hema malini movies
Hema Malini, famous as Dream Girl, is now completely away from acting and is a part of politics. She has been a two-time MP from Mathura. If we look at her great films, she has given many hit films like ‘Sholay’, ‘Seeta Geeta’, ‘Dream Girl’, ‘Baghban’, ‘Ali Baba and 40 Chor’, ‘Kranti’, ‘Tum Haseen Main Jawan’
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