Salman Khan and Bhagyashree’s superhit film ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ is being released again in theatres after 35 years. This film, which came in 1989, had made a great collection at the box office. Not only this, its star cast and songs are still famous among the people. Meanwhile, an interview of Salman Khan is going viral, in which he is seen remembering some beautiful moments related to the shooting. As everyone knows how Bhagyashree was crying on the set. Salman also cried during the shooting of ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ and now he has revealed why he cried on the set.
why did salman khan cry
In an old conversation with Hello! Indo-Arabia, Salman had revealed that he was moved to tears while shooting for the famous song Kabootar Ja Ja from ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’. He said, “I was around 18 years old and the shooting of Kabootar Ja Ja Ja song became a really memorable moment for me when I suddenly got to know that I have been selected for this.” Salman shared how during the story narration, he used to imagine actors like Jackie Shroff and Anil Kapoor. Salman Khan further said, “I had never imagined that I would get a chance to work in such a big film. It was the first time when I felt, yes, I can do this and I was moved to tears.”
salman khan first movie
Let us tell you that very few people know that Salman Khan’s first film was ‘Biwi Ho To Aisi’ which was released in 1988. He got name and fame from ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’. After giving many auditions, Rajshri chose Salman Khan for ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ which was also Bhagyashree’s first film. After this film, Salman Khan worked in many films and achieved success. Bhagyashree had to take a break from films to take care of her family.
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