Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeHealthCancer patients are at higher risk of infection during monsoon, know how...

Cancer patients are at higher risk of infection during monsoon, know how to avoid it

While the rainy season brings freshness, it also causes many health problems. This season becomes even more sensitive especially for cancer patients. For cancer patients, chemotherapy and radiotherapy weaken the immunity of the patients. Due to weak immunity, the body has difficulty fighting bacteria, which increases the risk of infection.

Why does the risk of bacteria increase?
There is more humidity in the air during the rainy season, due to which bacteria and viruses grow rapidly. The body of cancer patients is already weak, so it becomes even more difficult to deal with them. Bathing or walking in dirty water, or eating contaminated food can lead to bacterial infection quickly.

How to avoid this danger?

How can cancer patients survive?

  • Take care of cleanliness: Maintain cleanliness around you and in the house. Wash hands regularly with soap, especially before eating and after coming from outside.
  • Avoid eating outside: Avoid eating outside food during monsoon, because in this season food items get spoiled quickly and can cause infection.
  • Avoid dirty water: Rainwater is often contaminated. Avoid walking in dirty water and drink only clean and boiled water when thirsty.
  • Avoid crowded areas: Avoid going to crowded areas as there is a high risk of infection spreading there. If it is necessary to go, wear a mask and follow social distancing.
  • Strengthen immunity: Take immunity-boosting supplements as advised by your doctor and eat a nutrient-rich diet. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich foods.
  • Consult a doctor: If you experience symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat or any other infection, consult a doctor immediately. Timely treatment can prevent the disease from getting worse.

Know the important things here
For cancer patients, the monsoon season is a time to be cautious. By adopting some small measures and taking care of cleanliness, infection can be avoided. Take care of your health and stay safe.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read: Avoid these mistakes during food poisoning in the rain, otherwise your health may deteriorate

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