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Dengue cases are increasing, rush to the doctor immediately if you see these symptoms

Symptoms of dengue in monsoon: Although monsoon brings with it a lot of diseases, the biggest threat in this rainy season is dengue. Dengue has spread once again and in this season of continuous rain, the cases of dengue are seen increasing. Actually, in this season, the risk of infection and bacterial diseases increases, due to which the immunity of the body starts weakening and people fall ill.

Although the symptoms of dengue are similar to common fever, there are some symptoms which if noticed in time can control the situation. But there are some cases which if ignored can prove fatal. So let us tell you today about those symptoms of a dangerous disease like dengue, consult a doctor immediately as soon as you notice it.

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Be alert if you see these symptoms of dengue

Experts say that within a week of being bitten by a dengue mosquito, the symptoms of dengue start appearing on the patient’s body. Therefore, it is important to identify them. However, experts say that the symptoms of dengue are not exactly the same and sometimes they appear differently on patients.

  • When a person gets dengue, he gets high fever. The body temperature can go up to 101 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. This fever lasts for three to four days and if this happens, the patient should be taken to a doctor.
  • Along with high fever, dengue patients also suffer from severe headache. Patients experience unbearable pain near the eyes and behind them and near the temples. Along with the pain, patients also feel pain inside the eyes and have difficulty in opening the eyes.

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  • A few days before dengue fever occurs, red rashes or pink patches start appearing on the patient’s body. First they start from the stomach and back and then spread to the entire body. These rashes itch and also cause burning sensation.
  • The initial symptoms of dengue include severe pain in the bones. Along with the bones, the patient’s muscles also feel severe pain and the patient even starts groaning in pain. That is why dengue is also called bone-breaking fever.
  • If the patient is feeling weakness and fatigue along with fever, then this is a symptom of dengue. During this time, the patient’s immunity decreases due to the fall in platelets and he feels very tired and weak.
  • If the patient starts bleeding from the nose or gums during dengue fever, then understand that dengue is becoming fatal. Although these symptoms are seen in very few patients, but if these are seen, then you should immediately contact the emergency.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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