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HomeHealthDiabetes patients should abstain from eating not only sweets but also from...

Diabetes patients should abstain from eating not only sweets but also from this type of food

Foods for diabetes : The risk of diabetes is increasing due to poor eating habits and lifestyle. Many people think that eating too much sweet causes diabetes but health experts say that diabetes has nothing to do with eating sweets. Many people who eat too much sweet do not get diabetes, while some people who do not eat sweet at all fall prey to diabetes.

Actually, diabetes is caused by lack of insulin or insulin resistance, not by eating sweets, but this does not mean that you should eat lots of sugar. Diabetic patients should take special care of this. Diabetic people should avoid some other foods besides sweets, otherwise it can be dangerous for them.

Diabetes patients should not eat this thing

1. Too much salt

Eating too much salt can increase high blood pressure and diabetes can take a dangerous form. Whether you have diabetes or not, sodium or salt should be consumed in less quantity in daily life. Excess salt in snacks like potato chips, French fries is harmful.

Diabetic patients should also avoid refined flour, because this flour gets converted into glucose quickly after entering the body and increases the blood sugar level significantly. One should not eat anything made from refined flour.

3. Fried Foods

Diabetic patients should also stay away from fried foods. They contain high amounts of fat, when fat is digested slowly, it can increase blood sugar. This can cause many problems to diabetic people.

Alcohol should not be touched in diabetes. It is one of the worst foods for diabetes patients. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can lead to low glucose levels. If this happens, this situation can be dangerous.

5. Trans Fats

Diabetic patients should never consume fat and oil without any worry, otherwise their sugar level can become uncontrolled and the risk of heart disease can also increase. There are two types of trans fat. The first one is found in animals, which is no less than poison for humans. The second one is found in hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is more dangerous. Diabetic patients should stay away from both types of trans fat.

6. Fruits with high glycemic index

It is always beneficial to eat fruits with low glycemic value in diabetes. Fruits with high glycemic index (GI) can increase carbs, which can increase the sugar level in the body rapidly. Fruits like berries, grapefruit, pear, orange have low GI, while watermelon and pineapple have a very high GI.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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