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HomeHealthDo not mistake dry pimples on the skin for pimples, it can...

Do not mistake dry pimples on the skin for pimples, it can lead to serious illness.

Skin Care: If dry pimples are appearing on the face, then do not mistake it for pimples, because it is a sign of a serious disease, which can also be dangerous. The name of this disease is Psoriasis (Skin Psoriasis). According to the report, about 13 crore people all over the world have this disease. Psoriasis begins with a rash on the body. Many times, due to lack of awareness, many people take them lightly and ignore them, which can worsen the situation. Therefore, identify them at the right time and get them treated, so that they can be easily controlled. Let us know what is psoriasis, what are its symptoms and what are the measures to prevent it…

signs of skin psoriasis

  • Reddish-brown scaly spots on the skin
  • Persistent itching over these rashes or spots
  • Due to itching, thick fluid comes out from the skin, which is like pus.
  • When psoriasis occurs on the head, spots or crusts start forming on the scalp.

cause of skin psoriasis

  • from taking too much stress
  • wrong eating habits
  • not taking proper care of skin
  • genetic
  • family history

Which organs are affected by skin psoriasis?

  • scalp
  • around the ear
  • forehead
  • knees
  • elbow
  • on the lower back

Ways to avoid skin psoriasis

Many times people ignore psoriasis on the scalp considering it to be a pimple, in such a situation it can become serious by spreading throughout the body. Therefore it should be taken seriously. To avoid skin psoriasis, first of all take proper care of your skin. Don’t forget to take a bath. Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Consume rice water and oatmeal daily. After this problem occurs, if you want to eliminate it then you can apply coconut oil. This oil is very beneficial because it is rich in anti-oxidant properties. If despite all this you are not getting relief from the problem then get regular checkups done. You can take Omega 369 capsules on doctor’s advice.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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