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HomeHealthDo not take headache lightly, these can be serious diseases, know the...

Do not take headache lightly, these can be serious diseases, know the ways to get relief.

Headache Remedies: Headache is considered a common problem, but if you are troubled by it for more than a day, then be careful, because when headache does not go away for several days, it can also take a serious form. This can also be caused by many dangerous diseases. In such a situation, there may be a need to go to the doctor. Therefore headache should not be ignored. Let us know what can be the causes of headache and what should be done to avoid it…

serious cause of headache

headache with fever

Sometimes fever is accompanied by headache or stiffness in the neck. These may also be signs of encephalitis or meningitis. Which is also called meningitis or encephalitis.

This is an infectious disease in which the meninges become inflamed. This type of headache can also be dangerous. It can also be fatal for people who have diabetes or weak immunity. Therefore, it should be treated on time.

migraine or cluster headache

Headache caused by cluster headache or migraine is different. Due to migraine, there is severe pain in any one part of the head. Vomiting or nausea also occurs in this. Sometimes this pain is so severe that it wakes up one’s sleep. This problem is seen mostly in people between 20 and 50 years of age. Many times headache also occurs due to diseases like brain tumor, sleep apnea and high blood pressure.

headache due to stress

Headache problem also occurs due to stress. In this, headache occurs suddenly and then gets cured on its own. Although there are no other symptoms of pain caused by stress, it should not be taken lightly.

thunder clap headache

Thunderclap headache is a very serious disease. In this, severe pain starts within a few seconds. Sometimes pain can also occur due to stroke, damage to arteries or head injury. Many times this pain extends from the head towards the back and persists for several hours. Thunder clap headache can cause nausea, fainting and dizziness. This pain can bother people with high blood pressure more.

sinus headache

Sometimes severe headache occurs due to swelling in the sinuses or cavities of the head. This pain continues continuously. Apart from headache, there may also be pain on the upper part of the nose or cheek bone. Due to this, problems like swelling on the face, blocked ears, fever and running nose can also occur.

headache due to eye disease

Headache can also be severe due to blurred vision, retina problems or other eye problems. Even if eyesight is poor, headache may be a problem. In such a situation, a doctor should be consulted.

These are also the reasons for headache

People aged 50 years and above experience weakness due to physical changes and this can also cause headache.

Some women suffer from headaches during menopause.

If you have a habit of drinking tea and coffee then you get addicted to caffeine, when it is not available then you start getting headache.

Drinking too much alcohol or dehydration can also cause headache.

Headache continues due to lack of sleep.

Ways to get relief from headache

1. According to CDC research, dehydration can also cause headache or migraine problems. Therefore, one should drink water in case of severe headache.

2. According to experts, magnesium deficiency can also cause headache, so include it in your diet.

3. You can also get relief from headache by getting good and complete sleep.

4. Essential oil can also provide relief from headache.

5. In case of headache, herbal remedies can be adopted.

6. Consult a doctor if you have persistent and severe headache.

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