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HomeHealthDo you also make this mistake in the toilet

Do you also make this mistake in the toilet

If you are also included in the list of those people who take special care of their personal hygiene, but knowingly or unknowingly you definitely make these mistakes in the toilet. Which affects your health. Today we will know in detail what mistakes you make knowingly or unknowingly in the toilet.

Using a smartphone while sitting on the toilet for a long time

Many people use social media a lot while sitting in the toilet. Due to this, you can have many health problems. According to health experts, one should avoid using the phone during bowel movement. Most germs are found in the bathroom.

When you take your phone with you to the bathroom to freshen up, bacteria come in contact with the phone. This has a serious impact on your health. According to a report published in the ‘Journal Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials’, 95 percent of the infection-causing bacteria were Salmonella, E-coli and C difficile.

Toothbrushes should not be kept near toilets or sinks

Often people leave their toothbrush open in the bathroom. Bacteria accumulate on the brush. In the morning, you use the same brush to clean your teeth. Never keep the brush near the toilet seat.

leaving the toilet lid open

According to research, the toilet lid should not be kept too open. Or special things should be kept in mind while flushing. The water droplets that come out of it cause airborne bacteria and viruses to come out of the toilet bowl. Due to which the person who uses the toilet seat next time is at a much higher risk of diseases.

How to clean after a bowel movement?

Take special care to prevent infection after defecation. To avoid infection, clean the sheet with tissue paper. After defecation, keep the surroundings clean with a spray.

Wear slippers in the bathroom

Whenever you go to the bathroom, always wear slippers. This can cause foot infections. This also helps in preventing fungal infections, athlete’s foot, warts on the soles of the feet and staphylococcal infections.

Do not keep towels in the bathroom

Do not keep wet towels in the bathroom. Because bacteria start accumulating in it. Microorganisms like fungi start growing in it. Dead cells start coming out of the skin. Wash the towel after using it 4-5 times.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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