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HomeHealthDoes travelling too much disturb the menstrual cycle?

Does travelling too much disturb the menstrual cycle?

Those 5 days of periods are an important part of a woman’s life. Every woman starts having periods between the ages of 13-15. Some women feel their periods for only 2-3 days, while some women have pain and periods for 5 days.

Excessive travel affects periods

For your information, let us tell you that bad lifestyle and eating habits have a direct effect on women’s periods. This is the reason why there is a problem of pain, stomach and back pain, cramps during periods. Although many types of questions about periods are often searched on Google, but one question which is often asked. We will try to answer that question through this article.
The question is, does travel affect periods?

Health Expert’s Opinion

When we had a special conversation with gynecologist Dr. Pallavi Daga about this, she said that yes, traveling does affect the menstrual cycle. Jet lag during travel causes a lot of changes in the body cycle. Which changes the level of hormones important for ovulation. Due to changes in sleeping patterns, there are also many changes in the menstrual cycle. Due to this, the hormone is greatly affected. Due to this, stress increases the level of cortisol in the body. Which can affect infertility a lot. Due to this, many types of changes occur in periods.

Period cycle is affected due to temperature

Due to changes in body temperature, the period cycle is greatly affected. According to health experts, when a woman travels to plains, mountains or desert areas, there are many changes in her body temperature. Due to cold in hilly areas, many types of hormonal changes occur in the body. Due to which periods can be delayed. This can also affect the oxygen level greatly. It can also disturb the temperature inside the body. Due to which periods can be delayed. According to the doctor, if a woman is having period related problems 1 or 2 times a year, then it is a common thing, but if there is a problem of periods more than this, then it is necessary to consult a health expert.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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