Friday, September 13, 2024
HomeHealthDrinking too much water on an empty stomach can cause these serious...

Drinking too much water on an empty stomach can cause these serious problems, know the opinion of experts

Many people drink a lot of water as soon as they wake up in the morning, because it is considered beneficial for health. But have you thought that drinking too much water can also be harmful? Especially if you drink too much water on an empty stomach, it is not good for your health. Therefore, it is important to know what should be the right amount of water to drink in the morning and what problems are caused by drinking too much water.

imbalance of electrolytes
Our body depends on the balance of electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals that help in many important functions of the body. When we drink too much water, this balance can get disturbed. This can lead to problems like weakness, fatigue, and headaches.

increased pressure on the kidneys
The job of the kidney is to remove toxic elements from the body. When we drink more water than required, the pressure on the kidney increases. Due to this, the kidney is unable to function properly and kidney related problems may occur in the future.

risk of hyponatremia
Drinking too much water can lead to low sodium levels in the body, which is called hyponatremia. This condition can be quite serious. Its symptoms include vomiting, muscle cramps, and headaches. If not treated on time, it can even be fatal.

Effects on the digestive system
Drinking too much water on an empty stomach can also affect the digestive system. This can cause problems like gas, indigestion and bloating in the stomach.

Experts’ opinion
Experts say that drinking water as soon as you wake up in the morning is beneficial for health, but it is important to pay attention to its quantity. Generally 1-2 glasses of water is sufficient. Drinking more water than this should be avoided, especially if your stomach is empty.

What is the correct way?

  • Drink lukewarm water: It is best to drink lukewarm water as soon as you wake up in the morning. It helps in activating your digestive system.
  • Drink slowly: Avoid drinking too much water at once. Drink water slowly so that the body can absorb it properly.
  • Understand your needs: Every person’s body needs are different. Drink water according to your daily routine, weather, and physical activities.

Important things
Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning can be beneficial for health, but drinking too much water should be avoided. Drinking water in the right quantity and in the right way will be better for your health.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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