Fatty Liver Disease: Fatty liver is a dangerous disease caused by wrong eating habits and less physical activity. If it is not treated on time, there is a risk of liver cirrhosis, which can also be fatal. According to health experts, when there is excess amount of saturated and trans fat in the food, body fat starts increasing. When this fat starts accumulating on the liver, the problem of fatty liver arises. Due to this the liver is not able to function properly. According to statistics, about 50 percent people in our country have fatty liver problem. This is happening even at an early age. The main reason for this is increasing obesity and wrong eating habits. Therefore everyone should be careful.
How dangerous is liver cirrhosis?
The job of the liver is to remove toxic substances produced in the body. When there is a problem of liver cirrhosis, when the liver starts getting damaged. In such a situation, purifying the blood and producing nutrients is not within its power. It is not possible to repair the liver damage caused by cirrhosis. The main reason for this is fatty liver. Therefore one should be careful in fatty liver. Let us know what should be done to avoid fatty liver…
What to do and what not to do in fatty liver
1. Stop drinking alcohol immediately
If you want to eliminate the problem of fatty liver, you will have to correct your diet and lifestyle. Drinking alcohol with fatty liver can be dangerous and fatal. Therefore one should immediately and completely abstain from alcohol.
2. Lose weight
To avoid fatty liver, diet is as important as treatment. Therefore, first of all the weight will have to be controlled. You will have to maintain your weight according to BMI. Including fiber and anti-oxidant foods in the diet helps in correcting fatty levels. Apart from this, also increase physical activities.
3. Use only Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean diet i.e. plant-based diet contains more fruits and vegetables. Apart from this, grains, nuts and seeds are also present in good quantity in them. By eating this kind of food, you can avoid the problem of fatty liver.
4. Drink green tea
Consumption of green tea also provides relief from fatty liver. Green tea contains polyphenolic catechins, hypolipidemic, thermogenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. If it is consumed regularly then the problem of fatty level can be controlled to a great extent.
5. Consume flax seeds
Special nutrients are found in flax seeds, which can help in eliminating the problem of fatty liver. If flax seeds are consumed regularly then the problem of fatty liver can be cured.
Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.
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