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HomeHealthHow much impact will monkeypox have in India, know what experts say

How much impact will monkeypox have in India, know what experts say

Monkeypox in India : Concerns about monkeypox have increased across the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this disease a global health emergency. Apart from Africa and Sweden, India is also facing the threat of this disease. The health department team is on alert.

In such a situation, the question arises that if this virus spreads in India, how dangerous can it be, can it cause havoc like corona, will India, which has fought diseases like chickenpox and smallpox, defeat monkeypox as well. Know the answers to these questions…

How much impact will monkeypox have in India

Experts say that as of now there is no threat of monkeypox in India, but when this disease has been declared a global emergency, it means to remain alert. So far monkeypox is only in Central Africa. However, this year its cases have been seen outside South Africa as well.

How is monkeypox spread?

The monkeypox virus can spread anywhere. According to reports, this disease is mostly transmitted sexually. It spreads from one person to another, so carelessness should be avoided. Nothing can be said right now about how much impact this disease will have in India.

What are the symptoms of monkeypox

1. Pimples, boils, blisters or rashes, pain and pus filling in them

2. Fever, chills

3. Headache, backache, sore throat and malaise

4. Swollen lymph nodes

5. Muscle stretching

Is monkeypox fatal?

According to the reports so far, the Clade 1 variant of monkeypox which is currently spreading in Central Africa is more dangerous than the Clade 2 strain that came before it. This is the reason why its cases have been reported there and deaths are also occurring. The death rate from this disease is 11%.

How to prevent monkeypox in India

According to doctors, since this virus is currently in and around Central Africa, surveillance and screening should be started in border areas of India. If someone is coming from affected countries, he should be tested so that this infection does not reach India. This disease can be prevented by taking care of cleanliness and taking precautions.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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