If you have been having pimples on your face for a long time and home remedies or creams are not helping, then it cannot be just a skin problem. The reason for this can also be hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance in our body can cause many problems, one of which is frequent pimples on the face. It is not right to ignore it. Therefore, it is important that you get some special hormonal tests done, so that the real cause of this problem can be known and proper treatment can be done.
Thyroid Tests
Thyroid hormone controls the metabolism of our body. If the level of thyroid is low or high, then it also affects the skin, which can cause rashes. Therefore, it is important to get a thyroid test done so that this problem can be solved properly.
Androgen Level Test
Androgen is an important hormone, which is found in the body of both men and women. However, if the level of this hormone increases, it can cause pimples and acne on the face. Especially in women, high levels of androgen can cause skin-related problems. Therefore, if you are having a problem of pimples for a long time, then it is important to get an androgen test done. With this test, you can know whether the level of androgen in your body is normal or not, and then you can get the right treatment from the doctor.
Insulin Level Test
The insulin hormone controls blood sugar. If the insulin level becomes unbalanced, it can also cause skin rashes. Therefore, getting an insulin test done can be beneficial.
Cortisol Test
Cortisol is also called the stress hormone. If you are under a lot of stress, the level of this hormone can increase, which increases the chances of pimples on the face. It is important to get a cortisol test done so that this problem caused by stress can be resolved.
Know how to get this test done
You should consult a doctor to get hormonal tests done. These tests are usually done in the form of a blood test, in which a blood sample is taken from your vein. After this, that sample is tested in the lab to find out the levels of various hormones.
Know important things
If you are suffering from pimples on your face for a long time, then do not depend only on creams or home remedies. Find out the real cause with these hormonal tests and get timely treatment, so that your skin can become clean and healthy again.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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