Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeHealthIf you want to control high cholesterol within a week, then drink...

If you want to control high cholesterol within a week, then drink this leaf water on an empty stomach, this is the recipe

If you want to avoid the risk of heart attack and stroke, then it is very important to keep cholesterol under control. High cholesterol can be controlled with many Ayurvedic treatments. Patients with high cholesterol should drink this leaf water on an empty stomach in the morning, it will give many benefits. Nowadays you must have heard that the cases of heart attack have increased a lot. Many researchers have also come out in this regard that in the last 10 years, the number of heart attack patients has increased significantly all over the world. After Corona, such cases are coming to the fore when very young people are getting heart attacks. The main reason for this is our bad lifestyle. Which gradually affects our body.

Bad lifestyle

It is not that you will get a heart attack just because you eat something unhealthy one day. The kind of lifestyle we have is making us sick instead of keeping our body healthy. Problems like diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are happening because of our lifestyle. Due to high cholesterol, blood vessels start getting blocked and the body parts are not able to get blood and oxygen properly.

Increase in bad cholesterol in the body causes life-threatening conditions like heart attack. Therefore, you should keep your cholesterol level under control. If you have a complaint of high cholesterol, then consume curry leaf juice for this. If you want, you can also drink curry leaf water. Today we are telling you about curry leaf water and its benefits and how this water helps you in reducing high cholesterol.

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Curry leaves are beneficial in reducing cholesterol
Curry leaf water proves to be very beneficial in reducing bad cholesterol in the body. The amount of antioxidants in curry leaves is very high. Bad cholesterol can be reduced by this. Apart from this, drinking curry leaf water increases the level of good cholesterol.

Drinking curry leaf water helps fight free radicals. Curry leaves also help in detoxifying the body by cleaning the dirt accumulated in the body. When you drink curry leaf juice or water daily, the level of bad cholesterol accumulated in the body starts decreasing. Which also reduces the risk of heart related diseases. Curry leaf water reduces blood sugar and also helps in weight loss.

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How to prepare curry leaves water?

How to prepare curry leaf water? You have to put about 8-10 curry leaves in 1 glass of water. Wash the curry leaves thoroughly before adding them to the water. Now boil the water with curry leaves well on the gas. Filter this water and drink it. Drinking curry leaf water every morning on an empty stomach will help in reducing bad cholesterol. Along with this, the body will also have many other benefits.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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