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HomeHealthMicroplastics in personal care products, use them with caution, otherwise...

Microplastics in personal care products, use them with caution, otherwise…

Side Effects of Microplastics : Do you know that many personal products like face scrubs, shower gels and body scrubs that you use every day contain microplastics. This has been revealed in a research by the Department of Environmental Science, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT).

Let us tell you that microplastics are not only dangerous for the environment but also for our health. It can damage the brain by killing brain cells. This can cause serious problems like allergy, thyroid, cancer. Microplastics can also affect the endocrine system, which can lead to hormonal problems, periods in women, reproductive problems and infertility.

What the research found

The research team extracted microbeads from 45 national and international products purchased online and offline. It found that 49.12% of the products available in India contained plastic microbeads. These included 18 face washes, 5 body scrubs, 12 face scrubs and 10 shower gels.

All of these were quite popular. The research team reported that irregular or smooth microplastics were found in 45% of the products, which included polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyurethane and polycaprolactone.

what are microplastics

According to experts, microplastics are pieces of plastic 5 mm or smaller. They are found in the products we use in our daily lives. Apart from cosmetics and personal care products, microplastics are also found in clothes, cigarettes, some types of foods and water in plastic bottles.

According to the US NGO Plastic Ocean, on an average, every person consumes 1769 particles of microplastic every week just by drinking. The World Wildlife Federation 2019 report also stated that about 2,000 small particles can enter the body every week through food or breathing.

Why are microplastics dangerous for us?

1. Accumulation of large amounts of microplastics in the body can damage many organs. Organs like liver and kidneys can be affected the most by this.

2. Microplastics can trigger the immune system upon entering the body. Due to these, autoimmune diseases and many types of disorders can increase.

3. Microplastics can trigger inflammation responses in the body and increase chronic inflammation, which can lead to heart disease, arthritis pain, neurodegenerative disorders.

4. Microplastics can absorb harmful chemicals from the environment. When these chemicals enter the body, they can disrupt normal cellular function and become toxic.

5. Some studies suggest that chemicals like phthalates and bisphenol A found in plastic can affect hormones. This can increase problems like cancer and reproduction.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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