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HomeHealthWhat are the initial symptoms of heart blockage? This one test tells...

What are the initial symptoms of heart blockage? This one test tells how much the heart is blocked

Nowadays, heart related problems are increasing rapidly among people. Often people do not know about their heart condition until their arteries get blocked up to 70%. This means that until the condition becomes serious, people ignore the symptoms or take them lightly. It is very important to know its early symptoms so that you can get treatment at the right time.

Know the symptoms of heart blockage

  • Chest pain or heaviness: If not enough blood reaches the heart, you may feel pain or heaviness in the chest.
  • Pain in the left arm: Pain, numbness, or heaviness, especially in the left arm, can be a sign of heart blockage.
  • Shortness of breath: Feeling short of breath while walking, climbing stairs or doing mild exertion.
  • Heaviness while climbing stairs or with little exertion: Feeling of heaviness even during normal activities, which indicates heart blockage.
  • Fatigue and weakness: Feeling tired and weak quickly even without doing any heavy work.

When do heart symptoms appear?
Serious symptoms of heart blockage appear when there is 70% or more blockage in the arteries of the heart. In this situation, blood and oxygen flow in the body is not able to happen properly, which causes many problems. If you start feeling breathless while climbing stairs, walking fast, or running and have to stop, then this can be a serious sign of heart blockage. These symptoms may subside for a while when you stop, but this does not mean that the problem is over. This means that there is already a lot of blockage in your heart. In such a situation, ignoring this problem can be very dangerous, because it can cause a serious condition like heart attack.

A simple test to detect heart blockage
If you feel any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should immediately contact a doctor. The most accurate and reliable test to detect heart blockage is angiography. This is a special type of X-ray test, which shows the condition of blockage in your arteries. During angiography, the doctor injects a special type of dye into the arteries to see your blood flow. With the help of this dye, it is clearly visible in the X-ray where the blockage is and how severe it is.

Timely treatment is needed
Timely treatment of heart blockage is very important because if it is ignored, it can lead to a serious condition like heart attack. Angiography also reveals how big the blockage is and how it can be fixed.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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