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HomeHealthWhat is emotional hangover, know its symptoms and how to deal with...

What is emotional hangover, know its symptoms and how to deal with it

An emotional hangover is a condition in which your emotional state is affected, as if you have experienced something that has deeply touched you. It can occur after a major emotional event, such as a fight, hearing sad news, or an argument with someone important. In this condition, a person feels mentally and physically tired, like the morning after a binge, but it is not the alcohol that is causing the hangover, but the emotions.

Symptoms of an emotional hangover

  • Fatigue and lack of energy: The person feels more tired than usual and his energy is greatly reduced.
  • Mood swings: Sudden mood swings, sometimes feeling sad, sometimes angry, and sometimes depressed.
  • Difficulty concentrating: There is difficulty in concentrating on work or studies.
  • Irritability: Getting angry or irritated over small things.
  • Problems sleeping: Not being able to sleep at night or waking up frequently.
  • Physical symptoms: Headache, muscle pain, or stomach upset may occur.
  • The habit of overthinking: Thinking about the same thing over and over again and not being able to get out of it.

How to deal with an emotional hangover?

  • Take rest: Take time to relax your body and mind. Get a good night’s sleep so you feel refreshed. Relax yourself to relieve the stress of the day, such as by breathing deeply, staying in a comfortable environment, and doing something you like for a while.
  • Connect yourself: Do meditation or yoga, as it helps in keeping your mind and body calm. Take out some time daily for meditation or yoga, it will reduce stress and you will feel more calm and balanced. It is very beneficial for your mental and physical health.
  • Understand the emotions: Try to understand your feelings and acknowledge them. Instead of running away from them, face them and see why they are happening. This will help you handle your emotions better.
  • Communicate: Talk to your friends, family or a counselor so that your mental and physical health remains good. By adopting the above mentioned tips, you can get out of emotional hangover and feel refreshed again. This will make you feel better soon.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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