Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Ukraine on Friday after his two-day visit to Poland. This visit of Prime Minister Modi to two countries is special for India in many ways. This visit of an Indian Prime Minister to Poland has taken place after 45 years. Earlier, the then Prime Minister Morarji Desai had visited Poland in 1979. Also, Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Ukraine is the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister after Ukraine’s separation from Russia in 1991.
Today we will learn about those visits of Prime Minister Modi where either no Indian Prime Minister had visited or the Indian Prime Minister has visited those countries after several decades.
- Within three months of becoming the Prime Minister in 2014, when Narendra Modi visited Nepal on 3-4 August 2014, this visit was memorable for the country. An Indian Prime Minister visited this neighbouring country after 17 years. The last visit of an Indian Prime Minister to Nepal was 17 years ago by Inder Kumar Gujral. ​​This visit of Prime Minister Modi was even more special because he became the first foreign leader to address the Parliament of Nepal.
- The visit to Fiji was another highlight of Modi’s tenure. On 19 November 2014, Modi visited Fiji, the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Fiji since Indira Gandhi in 1971, which was the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Fiji after 33 years.
- Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Seychelles in March 2015 was also historic. After 33 years, an Indian Prime Minister visited this island country situated in the Indian Ocean.
- PM Modi’s visit to Sri Lanka in March 2015 also ended the 28-year-long drought of Indian PMs. Earlier, the then PM Rajiv Gandhi had visited Sri Lanka in 1987. During this visit, the India-Sri Lanka Peace Agreement was signed between Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lankan President Jayewardene in Colombo.
- In May 2015, Prime Minister Modi visited Mongolia and became the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Mongolia. This visit is considered very important in terms of diplomatic relations between India and Mongolia.
- In July 2015, Prime Minister Modi visited the Central Asian countries of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. These countries were formed in 1991 after separating from Russia. Narendra Modi became the first Prime Minister of any country to visit these countries. The visit to these countries, which are important in terms of various natural elements like uranium and cobalt, was very important for these countries.
- PM Modi’s visit to Switzerland in June 2016 was also the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister in two decades. After the protests against black money in the country in 2013, there was a wide discussion on black money between the two countries during this visit of the Prime Minister.
- In July 2016, Prime Minister Modi visited Mozambique. This was the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to this African country after 34 years. This visit further strengthened the relations between India and Mozambique.
- On 21 August, PM Modi arrived in Poland on a 2-day visit. This visit of an Indian Prime Minister to Poland took place after 45 years.
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in the capital Kyiv today on a historic visit to the war-torn Ukraine. This is the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister to Ukraine since Ukraine’s separation from Russia in 1991.
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