Udupi: A 24-year-old woman was allegedly kidnapped, drugged and raped at a secluded spot in Karkal in Karnataka’s Udupi district. Giving information about this on Saturday, the police said that the incident took place in Karkal Town Police Station area on the night of August 23. He said that the victim, a resident of Karkal town, was allegedly kidnapped by a man named Altaf and taken to a secluded place in a car and raped.
‘Woman was forcibly made to drink alcohol’
According to Udupi Superintendent of Police Arun, the woman and Altaf have been friends on the social media platform ‘Instagram’ for the last 3 months and both are from the same city (Karkal). On Friday, Altaf came to the woman’s workplace and allegedly kidnapped her in a car. He told that after some time another friend of Altaf, Richard Cardoza also joined them. Altaf had some bottles of alcohol and he forcibly made the woman drink alcohol.
‘Altaf and Cardoza both arrested’
According to the complaint filed by the woman and her family, Altaf mixed sedatives in her alcohol and forced her to consume it. He later allegedly raped her and dropped her back at her home. “We have arrested both Altaf and Cardoza and seized the vehicles used by them. The victim has recorded her statement which will be produced before a magistrate. She has been admitted to Kasturba Hospital in Manipal for treatment,” the police officer said.
‘BJP is trying to give it the colour of love jihad’
Meanwhile, in New Delhi, Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara said, ‘BJP is trying to give this incident a colour of love jihad, but crime is crime and the government will get to the bottom of it to uncover the truth and punish the accused. Udupi district police have already arrested two main accused and I have asked the police to expedite the investigation.’ After the incident, BJP MPs from Dakshina Kannada and Udupi alleged that this is the most heinous act and this incident is a mirror of the law and order situation in Karnataka under the Congress government.
‘The case will be closed in a few days’
Dakshina Kannada MP Captain Brijesh Chowta said the Congress government in the state has lost control over criminals from minority communities and does not have the strength to handle them. Chowta alleged that it was not a rape incident but a pre-planned crime. Leader of Opposition in the state assembly R. Ashoka alleged, “The case will be closed in a few days and the government will release the accused by pressurising the police and helping people around accused Altaf to destroy evidence. I am in constant touch with party leaders of Udupi and Karkal and I will raise the issue at the appropriate forum.” (Language)
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