A young man named Rakesh Kumar Mandal got stuck in the lift of Pakur railway station in Jharkhand. The lift stopped working due to a power cut and he was stuck inside for about 40 minutes. He was going to give the JPSC exam. In this sequence, he missed his train and was also deprived of giving the exam. The surprising thing is that after getting stuck in the lift, he informed his father about it. He also reached the railway station for help. But while coming out of the lift, Rakesh missed both the train and the exam. Rakesh has shared his pain by making a video inside the lift.
I was going to Ranchi to give the exam
According to the information, 22-year-old Rakesh Kumar Mandal, a resident of Chhoti Aliganj in Pakur, was deprived of giving the JPSC exam. Rakesh had to go from Pakur to Ranchi by Vananchal Express. To catch the Vananchal Express train from Pakur to Ranchi, he used the lift to go from one platform to another at the railway station. But in the middle, due to a power failure, the lift stopped working and he got stuck in the lift.
The father kept running to the station for help
Rakesh told his father everything on the phone from inside the lift. His father immediately came to the railway station and pleaded for help from everyone but no one helped him. The student’s father told that the station master’s office was also closed. No one was found in GRP either. Meanwhile the train left. After a lot of running around, a worker came and opened the lift after which Rakesh could come out. Rakesh was completely dejected after coming out. Here Rakesh and his father are preparing to complain about the matter to senior officials.
Rakesh made the video
Rakesh has also shared a video in which he is seen sweating inside the lift. Rakesh said, ‘My name is Rakesh. We are from Pakur. We were going from top to bottom in the lift. Suddenly the light went off. We called Papa. He is in trouble for half an hour. No help is being received from the station premises.’ Rakesh also shows the view inside the lift, in which it appears dark.