A painful video from Gujarat is going viral. A car passed over a four-year-old girl. The girl died in this accident. According to the information, a girl named Disha Patel (4) was riding a bicycle in Sparsh Villa Society of Mehsana. She suddenly lost balance and fell from the bicycle. In the blink of an eye, a car passed over the girl, crushing her.
Painful video of death goes viral
In the 51-second video that is going viral, it can be seen that the girl is riding a bicycle inside the society. She reaches near the turn of the society and tries to turn the bicycle but then she loses balance seeing a car coming near her. The girl falls down from the bicycle. Instead of applying the brakes, the car driver keeps driving. The entire car passes over the girl. After the accident, the driver stops the car. After some time, he gets down and goes to see the girl.
Life could have been saved
According to the report of ‘Aaj Tak’, the girl has been identified as Disha Patel. The girl’s family has lodged a complaint with the police. Nothing is known about the person driving the car yet. He is being identified on the basis of CCTV footage. In the footage going viral, it can be seen that the car runs over the girl a few seconds after she falls down. The speed of the car is also not high. In such a situation, if the driver had applied the brakes on time, the innocent girl’s life could have been saved. The girl died due to the negligence of the car driver.
Also read: A young man was crushed by a luxury car
In another case, a high speed luxury car crushed a young man riding a bicycle in the capital Delhi. This incident happened in Sunlight Colony area. On Saturday morning, while trying to overtake, the car hit the cyclist. After the collision, the young man fell about 150 meters away. The accused fled from the spot. The young man was rushed to the hospital, where doctors declared him dead.