New Delhi: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut answered many questions openly in the prestigious TV show ‘Aap Ki Adalat’ of India TV Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma. When Kangana was asked if she would play the role of Mamata Banerjee and Mayawati after playing the role of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Kangana said that she would like to play the role of Mayawati.
Kangana narrated an interesting anecdote
In ‘Aap Ki Adalat’, Kangana Ranaut said that she did not want to play the role of Jayalalitha. My mentor said that I want you to do this role. Kangana said that I did not even want to become Indira Gandhi. But I feel that these women have blessed me. Like they wanted me to play their role. I feel that God has blessed me a lot. When I asked the director of the film some questions, he said that it is not your job to think about it.
Kangana Ranaut said that she feels as if Indira Gandhi and Jayalalithaa themselves wanted me to play their role in films. BJP leader Kangana also answered many other questions of Rajat Sharma openly.
I had to undergo aging treatment for the role of Indira Gandhi
Kangana Ranaut said that people want to see actors who have been on the streets, among people, in the sun. I had to take aging treatment for the role of Indira Gandhi. But these star kids go to the gym for every role, take Botox treatment. Honestly, I am not criticizing. I am just saying that go out in the sun. But what do they do. They come out of their car and say, ‘Hi I want this, I want that.’ 40-year-old star kids or 30-35-year-old girls wear pink glasses and act like children. No one sees how much trauma I go through, how much torture I go through by being with them.
Will Kangana leave films? She got this answer
On whether she will quit films after joining politics, Kangana said, ‘Film is a job that takes a lot of time. Politics is also very demanding. Since the day I joined politics, I have not been able to shoot for even a single day in the last 6 months. I am trying to make a balance. Let’s see what happens next. But people of the Mumbai film industry will be happy that ‘Kangana will run away’.
Watch the full interview of Bollywood’s ‘Queen’ and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut in ‘Aap Ki Adalat’
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