A case of gang rape of a tribal woman has come to light in Chhattisgarh’s Raigarh district. A 27-year-old tribal woman was allegedly raped by eight men in Raigarh district, police said on Wednesday. A police officer said the incident took place in a village in Pusaur police station area on Monday when the victim was visiting a local fair after celebrating Rakshabandhan festival.
The police officer said that the woman lodged a complaint in this regard on Tuesday, after which the police registered an FIR and started taking action. He said that according to the complaint, some people allegedly stopped her and forcibly picked her up and took her to the bank of a nearby pond. After taking her there, everyone raped her one by one. The officer said that so far six accused have been arrested on the basis of the victim’s complaint. Further investigation is going on in the case.