After suffering a setback in the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP is now trying to gain the trust of the Other Backward Classes (OBC) and Extremely Backward Classes (EBC). To win the trust of the backward classes, the BJP has chosen its big OBC face and former popular Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan. The BJP’s Backward Class Front had invited Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan to a program. This program was organized in the memory of Dhanuk freedom fighter Rampal Mandal of Sitamarhi.
During elections, Congress and other opposition parties keep attacking BJP on the issue of constitution and reservation. Meanwhile, Shivraj Singh Chauhan, who reached the program of backward classes, said, our opponents only make big claims. If anyone has really made the backward classes common, then it is Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said, Modi ji made the OBC Commission constitutional. All backward classes and extremely backward classes were given respect. Modi ji ensured reservation for the studies of other backward classes. Only the BJP government has worked towards the welfare of backward classes.
Remembering Rampal Mandal, Shivraj Singh Chauhan said that he killed four British officers and then happily accepted the punishment in the court. He was hanged with the Bhagavad Gita in his hand and chanting Bharat Mata Ki Jai. His legs were not trembling. Mandal’s lawyer kept telling him not to confess his ‘crime’. However, Rampal Mandal chose the path of martyrdom.
Shivraj Singh Chauhan said that the Modi government has fulfilled the dream of one crore people to have a house in rural and urban areas. In five years, 13 lakh houses have been built in Bihar alone. Let us tell you that the performance of BJP in Uttar Pradesh was not good in the Lok Sabha elections. BJP won 33 out of 80 seats. It is believed that BJP did not get OBC and Dalit votes as expected. In Bihar, Kushwara and other backward class votes shifted to All India Alliance.
Shivraj Singh Chauhan, who won the Lok Sabha elections with more than 10 lakh votes, has been given a place in the Modi government so that he can garner votes of the backward classes. He is considered to be the most popular leader among the OBC faces of the BJP.