A horrific case of dog attack has come to light in Karnataka’s capital Bengaluru. In fact, on Wednesday, a 76-year-old woman who had gone out for a morning walk in Bengaluru was attacked and killed by about a dozen dogs. Police have informed that the deceased woman is the mother-in-law of an Indian Air Force personnel. Let us know about this horrific incident in detail.
A dozen dogs attacked
Police have said that a 76-year-old woman named Rajdulari Sinha in Bengaluru was out for a morning walk. At around 6.30 am, at least 10-12 dogs suddenly attacked the woman in the grounds of Air Force East 7th Residential Camp in Jalahalli. She suffered serious injuries in the dog attack and died while being taken to the hospital. A senior police officer has said that a case has been registered at the Gangamma Gudi police station in connection with the woman’s death.
Eyewitness told the whole story
A person on social media X has also claimed himself to be an eyewitness to this incident. He said that what he saw this morning was sad. A dozen stray dogs attacked a woman in the Air Force ground. The man said that I could not help her. He told that due to the high wall, he could not save the elderly woman from the dog attack. He said that after pleading, some people were called who took the woman to the hospital. However, the woman could not be saved. (input language)
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