India’s star wrestler Vinesh Phogat, who could not win a medal in the Paris Olympics due to being overweight, was given a grand welcome on her arrival home on Saturday. Apart from star players like Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik, panchayat leaders also arrived to welcome Vinesh. Vinesh was laden with flower garlands. She expressed her gratitude to the people by riding in an open jeep. Many videos of Vinesh going home have surfaced on social media, in which she is meeting people during her journey. During this, Vinesh said that the love and respect she has received is more than a thousand gold medals.
Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat said, “They did not give me the gold medal, but the love and respect I have received from the people is more than a thousand gold medals.” People were standing all along the way to welcome her and the wrestler also expressed her gratitude to them.
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On August 6, Vinesh became the first Indian woman wrestler to reach an Olympic final. However, the next day, Vinesh was disqualified during the weigh-in before the women’s 50kg freestyle wrestling final as she was 100 grams overweight. Vinesh had appealed to the Sports Arbitration Court to award her a joint silver medal, due to which she stayed in Paris. The Sports Arbitration Court rejected her appeal.
The veteran wrestler, in her first reaction after being disqualified, on Saturday said that she feels under different circumstances she can play till 2032 as she still has a lot of wrestling left in her, but right now she is unsure about her future as things may not be the same as before.