A vehicle loaded with meat went out of control and overturned on NH-9 in Ghaziabad’s Crossing Republic police station area. As soon as the incident came to light, activists of a Hindu organization started creating a ruckus, saying that it was meat of banned animals. The activists tied the driver and helper of the vehicle with a rope and started beating them and handed them over to the police.
Police say that investigation has revealed that the meat was not from banned animals. A case has been registered against the driver and helper under the Animal Cruelty Act. According to information, on Monday morning, a vehicle going from Mussoorie to Delhi lost control and overturned near ABES College in Crossing Republic police station area. The meat loaded in the vehicle was scattered on the road. Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s metropolitan publicity chief Ashwani Sharma says that the workers had received information about a vehicle loaded with meat overturning near ABES College.
As soon as the information was received, Bajrang Dal Mahanagar Convenor Prabal Gupta reached the spot along with other activists. The activists started creating a ruckus alleging that the vehicle had meat of banned animals. Not only this, they tied the hands of the driver and helper with a rope and started beating them. Along with the activists, the youths passing by also beat them. The driver and helper kept pleading, but the beating continued. The video of the incident also went viral on social media. However, Hindustan does not confirm the viral video.
An investigation will be conducted upon receipt of a complaint
ACP Wave City says that the workers of the Hindu organization handed over the driver and helper of the vehicle to the police. Both have been identified as Delhi residents Ashraf and Aamir. The police have registered a case under the Animal Cruelty Act at Crossing Republic police station and arrested the accused. No complaint has been lodged against the driver and helper in the case of assault by the workers of the Hindu organization. Action will be taken after investigation on receipt of the complaint.
Clean chit to the accused in the investigation
ACP Wave City Poonam Mishra says that investigation revealed that the meat was being sent to Delhi from a licensed factory in Mussoorie. The vehicle lost control and overturned and the meat was scattered on NH-9. When veterinary doctors were called on the spot for investigation, they rejected the allegation of the meat being from banned animals. The ACP says that despite this, the meat has been buried in the soil.
A month ago there was a jam on GT Road
About a month ago, people had blocked GT Road at Arthala alleging the presence of banned animals. Some cattle and animal remains were found in a building under construction here on the evening of 21st July. People of Hindu Raksha Dal along with hundreds of activists of Hindu Parivar Gau Rakshak had blocked GT Road by placing the remains on it. Due to this, the drivers were stuck in the jam for about two and a half hours. The protesters had vacated the road on the assurance of action. The police had also filed a report regarding the blockade.